SSH Basics
SSH Basics

SSH Server

We recommend that you use SSH Server from Termux instead of using it in a Linux environment. Using an SSH Server from Termux gives you control of both your device and your Linux OS. We are providing you both the methods for the same down below-

SSH via Termux

You can follow this (opens in a new tab) link to get to know the process of using SSH from Termux. This tutorial is provided officially by one of Termux developers.

SSH via Linux

Since Linux is executed by using PRoot, it cannot override the default configurations of the Android connectivity, so the port number needs to be changed. Follow the below steps to use SSH from Termux:

Install OpenSSH

Install openSSH inside Linux. Choose the command for your distro accordingly from the given list:

Ubuntu 20

apt install openssh-server nano -y

Ubuntu 18

apt install openssh-server nano -y

Kali Linux

apt install openssh-server nano -y


apt install openssh-server nano -y


pacman -S openssh nano --noconfim


pacman -S openssh nano --noconfim


dnf install -y openssh-server nano


apk add openssh-server nano


xbps-install openssh nano


Once OpenSSH server is installed on your Linux system, we need to modify some things to make it accessible in network escaping Android limitations. Now execute-

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config 
  • Find and change the line #Port 22 to Port 2222
  • Find the line #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password or #PermitRootLogin yes and change it to PermitRootLogin yes . If it is already PermitRootLogin yes then you do not need to change anything.
  • Now when you are done with all the above steps press CTRL+X and then type Y and then press Enter

Generate Keys

Now run

ssh-keygen -A

and then



Now we need to set password first. To set password type


and set any password.

Start SSH Server

Once this process is complete, just run


to start the SSH server.


Now just type

ip a

and copy the IP Address of wlan and to connect to SSH Server. To connect to SSH server type

ssh root@localhost -p 2222

and use the password to connect to the server.